The service level agreement (SLA) is the amount of time within which our platform calculates your routes will be delivered, starting from the time of pickup. To put it simply, this is the amount of time the order is allowed to be in transit after pickup.
The default SLA is 4 hours from the time of pickup. We'll reach out to couriers who can deliver within 4 hours of your packages being picked up (according to our system's calculations). If a courier is already delivering other packages and can't deliver your items within the SLA, that courier won't be offered your route.
Likewise, when you bundle deliveries in the merchant portal, the system will create each route so that they can be delivered within the SLA.
While a SLA agreement is in place, deliveries may run late due to things outside of ours and the couriers control. We do not provide product refunds for late deliveries.
If you would like to discuss your SLA or have any questions, please contact