Once your deliveries are set up in the merchant portal, you can print out your Trexity delivery labels. Please attach the labels to your packages in a clearly visible way, such as: on top of a box or near the handles of a bag.
Couriers cannot accept a package without a Trexity label.
Have the package prepared and ready to go before the courier arrives. You can save deliveries as drafts in the portal until you’re ready to bundleor schedule them.
Packages should be organized into piles/ groups according to their route ID so each courier showing up can easily locate all the packages they need to pick up.
A representative from your business must be on-site at the pick-up location during deliveries to:
Ensure the package is on-site and kept safe until the courier arrives.
Help couriers identify the package if they have questions.
Be available for our support team in case we need to coordinate with you (i.e. if there are any packages to return to you)